Happy Birthday!!

One Year later

Posted by Abdalraheem on July 21, 2022 · 2 mins read

15 july 2021 I wrote my very first post here (https://abdalraheemmokhtar.github.io/2021/07/15/first-post.html) I can not believe that it’s been a whole year since that day!. I never thought that more than one year later I would be still writing these posts even though I’m not doing it as frequently as I would like to but at least I’m still trying.

It’s both terrifying and amazing how fast time is going I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs throughout this year, finished school, worked in 3 places and met a lot of amazing new people.

I remember writing about being stressed out about my graduation project which now is a bit nostalgic. I remember my post dreaming about working at tesla or comma ai which helps me remember who I am and what I want and how ambitious I am.

I had a small conversation with my friends this weekend about whether it’s better to have a dreams or just live your life not wanting so much and having “reasonable goals” now while that sounds the rational thing to do I really think that you’ll only regret having ambition and big dreams only if you give up on them without trying if you tried and failed then that’s fine that’s just life then or at least this is how I think. I will never regret having a far fetched dream more than I hate the fact I chose the comfortable path and didn’t try even though I’m quite aware I might never achieve what I want.

Looking back now I’m super glad I started this blog really and I already can not wait for next year (if I’m not dead of course ) to see what I would be writing and how I’m thinking about stuff

I want to thank a friend of mine because she was the very first supporter of this blog and I might’ve not started blogging if it wasn’t for her. Thanks Sondus.

I know that in my final post I promised that I would write more frequently but ended up actually disappearing longer and longer. I hate this too but this is what adult life is right?

Hopefully this time I really get back to consistently writing these blog posts at least once a week. Until then, take a slice of the cake and wish this blog a happy birthday.