IndabaX Sudan 2022

The first event I ever participated in

Posted by Abdalraheem on November 19, 2022 · 4 mins read

*wipes the dust of this blog*

Hello friend, long time no see, I missed writing blogs too, it’s been forever since the last time I uploaded something here which wasn’t intentional lets just say that I’ve been really busy these past couple of months

Quick update last time we met here I was working with MTN. Now I’m working at GO digital services as a customer experience executive and I’m loving every part of it. Also I finally got my driving license, something I’ve been trying to get for a long time. Actually another thing is that I also went back to doing digital art and finally bought a drawing tablet.

a lot changed in this year. It’s crazy to talk about so many things for the first time. I think I really pushed myself this year. If someone would’ve told me that I would be able to handle two part-time jobs and one full-time job at the same time and still be able to have a social life and be in contact with my friends and family I honestly wouldn’t believe it. I really think more about my abilities and how to manage time.

Since I’ve decided to go back to blogging and couldn’t really came up with ideas to write about, I decided to write about the most recent interesting thing I’ve been to recently Indabax Sudan 2022.

What is IndabaX ??

For those who don’t know, Indaba is an African AI and Machine learning event where experts from around the world gather in one country each year and share their knowledge and stories. The most recent one was in Tunisia. Indabax however is like the local version of the conference where the community of each country organizes a similar event on a smaller scale.

I’ve never been to Indaba nor Indabax before (or any other events actually, like in my whole life ) so I was really excited about this one. I want to know a lot of things there here’s the main points I learned from attending Indabax Sudan 2022

  1. There’s quite a big interest from young undergrad students (and from different academic backgrounds too !) in AI, ML and data science so there is actually an audience for this type of educational content.
  2. There’s a lot of amazing people who are doing great things with AI and ML and a lot of these things can be used in the context of Sudan.
  3. You can learn a lot and I mean really a lot about something in one or two days (you won’t be an expert but you can go from zero to grasping the main concepts of something interesting).
  4. This is not new, however it is worth repeating that networking is a key, you just have to throw yourself out there for the people who share your interest in things you should never underestimate how much this can help you in your life.

I really enjoyed the first 2 days of Index this year and can’t wait for the next weekend when the more advanced stuff starts. I also enjoyed getting back to doing this I enjoyed every keystroke of this post.

Hopefully I see you soon, Goodbye.