Abolishing The Educational System

or just do it better

Posted by Abdalraheem on February 22, 2022 · 6 mins read

Long time no see I kind of missed my own blog isn’t that sad, but finally I finished college (hopefully that will be official next week) and I was busy with exams, graduation project and another project also I was a part of a mentorship program and I already gave two session so the past two months have been somehow eventful, but still I’d say that it was my laziness and procrastination that prevented me from blogging this whole time.

Place a wager on your greed

A wager on your pride

Why try to beat them

When a million tried?

I remember reading this somewhere on George Hotz blog. Since then it has become one of my favorite quotes (I think it’s from a song or something) whenever I’m thinking of doing something that’s basically too much or sounds nuts like “abolishing the education system”. I know I’m not the first to think of this or try to do it but someone has to beat it even if a million tried (and failed).

I’m not an anarchist. I’m not talking about the whole education system at once or preventing people from going to schools, but also I don’t like the fact that this is the de facto of education and people sort of just agreed upon it. It is worthwhile to think about what people consider the normal or the standard way of doing things. Most of the great inventions were just a product of that.

To help you trace back the things that led me to think of this is that at the end of college I just realized how much time and effort can be saved both in the long and the short run simply by adopting smarter methods for education. I’m not exaggerating if I said I’ve learned more than 90% of my courses from YouTube and other websites and honestly I can see why it’s not possible for someone to get to 100% if given the right guidance which is basically the job of your professors and teachers but that is not happening. Besides, I really hated my college and this is my way of directing these negative feelings towards a good cause. As a start I genuinely want to fully replace my faculty (fmsi) with an online platform that contains the information, knowledge, resources and method of evaluation for an equivalent of a bachelor degree in math computer science and statistics I think these fields are the best start to a much larger change that will make education more efficient, flexible and accessible for all.Computer science courses by nature are the easiest to be completely made online. There’s a plethora of resources already available however for math and statistics that might be harder. This doesn’t have to be super complex or even useful from the start I won’t let my desire for perfection to hold me from getting started this time similar to this blog it will grow and I’ll try to create the right environment for it to grow

That’s not new or original

Originality is overrated I think no matter how old an idea is you can still create a lot of new value by improving it and building upon it, doing it better or even by just simply looking at it from a different perspective Google wasn’t the first search engine Facebook wasn’t the first social media “Go” was the last ride sharing app to enter the Sudanese market yet all of this examples are the dominant names in their respective fields My point is even though there’s a lot of previous efforts to democratize education and make it more available, affordable and overall effective and efficient which is great, I guess there’s still a room for improvement. In this day and age it might seem like everything that can be done has already been done but there’s a simple rule I following regarding creating content and related things which is if you searched for something and didn’t find it online then there’s a chance to create it and benefit from it because there’s a lot of people similar to you that would appreciate it and be excited by it and this is one of the thing that will help me in this project which is the power of the people. I believe that most of the people who study computer science have learned so much from free online sources and because of that they have the desire to help others the same way.

How can you help me?

Literally everyone can help in this no matter what is your skill and skill level I will soon get into more detail, but first I need to know what people think of this, so for now you can spread the word and tell your friends about this and tell me what you think.