New Year Resolution

Things to do in 2022

Posted by Abdalraheem on December 31, 2021 · 11 mins read

One benefit of having your birthday so close to new year eve is that you don’t have to make two resolutions. My plans for my 24th year of life and 2022 are the same thing. I have said before that this year was fairly good and I have learned new things, seen new places, and met some wonderful people. So today I’m sharing my goals for the year 2022!.

Things to learn

I’ll never stop learning I want to learn new things all the time, but to be efficient here’s a list of things (other than computer vision) that I want to get good knowledge of. They are quite diverse and requires serious commitment but I’m hopeful (NEW YEAR SPIRIT!!feel the excitement, come on). Also having diverse set of skills can really help in todays highly competitive world you have to have some kind of rarefied set of skills that make you unique.

  1. Web 3.0: if you’re not familiar I suggest you watch this, but basically web 3.0 is a new decentralized internet were it’s not dominated by big “evil” tech companies like Facebook, Google, ..etc. It’s now widely known because of the boom in cryptocurrency and NFTs, metaverse and decentralized apps. A lot of people are skeptical about it (I’m too!!), but whereas you believe it is the next life changing tech or not is irrelevant. it’s becoming more and more important to understand at least the basics of block-chain technology and smart contacts it will change the world even if it fails because that just natural in technologies of this scale (it’s a billion dollar industry) there’s always winners and losers and lessons to learn so it is on the top of my list for the next year.

  2. Cloud computing, edge computing and IOT: it’s the only natural next step for machine learning and AI. Edge computing allows for computation near the sources of data storage which allows for faster response time and save bandwidth. I’m already familiar with AWS (Amazon Web Services) and I remember a while ago I wanted to be solutions architect and finished the cloud practitioner course, but AWS is still unavailable in Sudan and I didn’t commit to it really, I was just intrigued.

  3. Mathematics very often I find myself thinking about how much I need to understand some basic mathematical concepts, it’s shameful how bad my journey with mathematics was. even the purest of math that is not directly applicable to my fields of interests me now. I like to think of math as a language ! it really is if you think of it in certain way all I want is to be fluent in it.

  4. New language I’m not fully fluent in Spanish (hopefully I will be by the end of the year) but if I went to Spain it wouldn’t be too hard to live and interact with people and that exactly my goal I’m not doing it for a test or a scholarship I’m learning languages so I can communicate with people in their native language. So give me your suggestions I considered Portuguese but it’s not that different I don’t want it to be too easy. I’m thinking maybe Italian, French, Russian, or German in that order. I know you might be wondering why new one instead of focusing on improving your Spanish? to which I answer why not both ;) (NEW YEAR SPIRIT!! remember?).

Some Notes about learning

having so much to learn can sometimes be as good as having nothing to learn, trying to learn more than you have time or abilities to can have some depressing results. I’m aware of this and I’ve been there before so I don’t have very high execepections for this let this be an expriment about how much I can learn about this four things in one year and on 2023/1/1 we will know the results (disappointing or suprising).

Things to do

  • By the end of this year I want to look back and see that I was able to properly introduce new people to machine learning whereas through mentorship program, blog posts or any other way this will be a proof for me that I’m competent in this field.
  • I want to start my first job: hopefully kick starting my career in 2022.

  • I want to start working on some side projects: I have some ideas that never been truly considered for implementation. I will talk about them throughout the year in more details.

  • I want to contribute more consistently to tidytuesday to sharpen my data visualization and processing skills my aim is at least 10 times.

  • Journaling: I’ve tried this before I cann’t remember why I stopped actually, I’ll try to do it daily (let’s hope that I manange to do for at least 200 days) It’s easier to do understand oneself if we have a record of our feelings and highlights throughout the year (who knows maybe I’ll conduct some kind of analysis on the final data and make a model that is capable of predicting my feelings given who I meet and what season it is and things like that. (do you think facebook or google does not have a similar thing for you? think again!) ).

Things to improve

  • typing speed: this year I wanted to reach at least 80-100, but I’m about 65 wpm now so let’s say 150 by the end of 2022? Also I want to learn Vim (text editor that totally frees you from using the mouse ) it has a steep learning curve but the payoff is huuuge.

  • Professional networking: I want to form more professional relationships with similar minded individuals I need to work on my social anxiety and start sharing my thoughts with people I’ll start with being more present in linkedin and going and participating in more events (I regeret not realizing this in my early collage years, or to be more honest beeing aware and choosing to neglect).

  • Spanish I’ve already mentioned this above.

  • Work out: What’s a new year resolution without workout goals right? This year (later half ) I managed to lose some weight and be slightly more active. I want to keep it up !


This for the inner child in me who still loves to draw and love drawings and art, but sadly I can’t do everything so I’ll be so glad if I’m able to find some time to give him want he wants: create cool art consistently :( .

A Lesson learned

one more self-improvement thing: I want to be more direct and clear with people whenever I’m faced with uncomfortable or wierd situations.

one of the most important things that I learned this year(twice! both times the hard way) was that being unproblematic and understanding and just letting things slide can sometimes (actually most of the times) lead to only more complicated problems that you will eventually have to address, it will just be harder and more awkward that time. this was the case in my graduation project group, I’m glad and very relieved (even though it is very late ) that I confronted them and made points clear and didn’t just act weird about of the sudden. it’s not selfish or rude to call people out when they are overstepping or manipulating.

The truth will always make things easier, if you are afraid that the truth will ruin whatever kind of relationship you have with someone then you might have to reconsider and re-evaluate that relationship. Still however people won’t appreciate it if they feel that they are just under attack we need to communicate truth in a way that shows that it’s in everyone’s best interests (which it is!). I want to be able to also make it easier for people to tell me the truth.

Looking back at this year again this blog is my proudest achievement (beside being able to finish my graduation project despite all the problems) I was also surprised actaully that I’ve been somehow consistant(18 posts in 5 months !!) even though I wanted to quit twice!!.

There are two people in particular that I wanted to show my appreciation for their existence in my life Mayraf the best friend I ever had (simple as that), and Noon who despite that fact we have been friends for a short period of time, still influenced largly a lot of good things and decisions I made this year. this year was significantly better because of you two! Thank you.

Sadly I’ve also lost two good friends of mine, I wish our friendship didn’t end the way it it did, but that’s just life and I’m grateful for what we shared together. It’s for the best.

In 2022

Don’t just lie, face.

Don’t just read, act.


Don’t just think, write.

Don’t just dream, fight, for everything.

With everything going on in Sudan now days to even have plans or dreams might be foolish or very optimistic , but as they say it’s can sometimes be brave to allow yourself hope and “Fortes fortuna adiuvat” (“Fortune favours the brave”).

Happy New Year people! and see you in 2022.

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