
Posted by Abdalraheem on December 04, 2021 · 4 mins read

"Pessimists sounds smart but optimists make money"

I’m largely described as pessimistic person, I can always come up with scenarios where things can go wrong or horribly, and the problem is most of the times they (the scenarios) can be very convincing and logical, I’ve managed to discourage my self and others times and times again claiming to be realistic and wise. That’s why I started this post with that quote not exactly money but anything of value really, most of the times it can seem to be unwise or unrealistic to take risks.

When I was still a kid I thought about changing the world, thought of it as inevitable thing that one day I’ll be someone great but as life went by year after year I started acknowledging that as unattainable goal slowly I’ve become the opposite of that child “nothing I’ll ever do will ever be of any value. why even bother? success in largely defined by luck” this practically been my motto for the past few years. This probably why I never commited to any hobby I like to draw be I’ve always saw my drawings as trash and convinced myself that I do not have the talent

Now I want to recover some of that child-like optimism my goal is to work at tesla or comma.ai (both are the leading companies in creating self-drive cars) this is the closest thing I have for a life goal but I don’t want to work there just because its name or salary but to contribute significantly to one of the most fascinating problems mankind has attempted to solve (More on this on a separate post)

Is it hard? Yes very
Is there's a high competition from thousands of highly motivated and dedicated people from all around the world who has better education and overall living conditions? Also yes
Does it require a lot of hard work and sacrifices without any guarantees of any kind success ? Yes Am I going to pursue it despite being aware of all of this ? Yes


Now let’s be honest here for a second mathematically and statistically my chances doesn’t look great and you reading this right now might think it’s very far fetched and even laughable and I’ll only end up regretting wasting my time trying to do it, but it’s okay. It’s important to let ourselves be vulnerable to getting disappointed and getting hurt because at the end it’s not about protecting ourselves from getting hurt it’s about not minding it for a greater cause.

Not only as career advice it’s the same in friendship and love without risking being uncomfortable and vulnerable we can’t maintain healthy relationships don’t give in to your psychological defense mechanisms. I think it’s good to use workout analogy you don’t gain muscle unless you tear your muscles first by doing hard exercises that are beyond your current abilities the recovery of the tore muscles is what makes you gain muscles. Similarly you need to do the same to your mentality the less you’re mentally challenged the weaker you get and vice versa.

Worst case scenario I will learn a lot of things about me and about different things in life and gain a lot of technical skills a long the journey so really it’s not only about the destination.

It’s important for me to tell me your opinion on this and whether you believe I can do it or not.