I Finally Watched Hamilton

and Makana is going to love this

Posted by Abdalraheem on November 29, 2023 · 4 mins read

After hearing so much about it, I finally watched Hamilton and it completely lived up to the hype! The performances were extraordinary, and the music was incredibly catchy. The story of Alexander Hamilton was brought to life in such a captivating way. I was blown away by the talent of the cast and the creativity of the production. Hamilton is truly a masterpiece that everyone should experience. Here are some profound takeaways from this cultural phenomenon:

1. Elections? what does that even means

In the 18th century, the United States held elections, a fact that struck me profoundly. Reflecting on this historical backdrop amid my country’s current struggle with a civil war in 2023, primarily fueled by the inability to peacefully transition authority, evoked a profound mix of sadness, disappointment, and anger. “Hamilton” serves as a poignant reminder of the significance of democratic processes and the imperative need for a peaceful transfer of power, especially for countries with fragile nature like Sudan

2. Write Like There’s No Tomorrow

The emphasis on writing as a superpower, epitomized by Hamilton’s relentless penmanship, left an enduring impression. While contemporary times may argue for diverse means of expression, the narrative highlights the transformative potential of the written word. Writing not only shapes individual legacies but has the power to influence societal perspectives, an aspect often underestimated in our fast-paced world. When I started this blog I intended for it to have a limited audience because I thought that only (or mainly) myself and people close to me can benefit from it but to see that the history of one of the greatest countries in the history of man kind substantially transformed by a single man who believed in the power of writing and sharing his ideas is surely remarkable.

3. Legacy as a Tree’s Unseen Growth

The notion that “legacy is a seed for a tree you would not see grow” resonates deeply. This reminds me of a quote from Vagabond, when young Musashi was tied to the tree telling the monk Takuan that life is meaningless, to which the monk replies: “Indeed, life is meaningless if you think only about yourself”. I think it can even be liberating to realize that your life is not about rather about a bigger purpose you service. Each person, should strive to contribute to something that outlives individual existence.

4. The World is Wide Enough for All

A particularly impactful scene, reminiscent of Aaron Burr’s realization after shooting Hamilton, drew parallels to Sudan’s current predicament. The pervasive zero-sum mindset, akin to infinite Burrs in our society, perpetuates destructive ideologies:

  • Scarce resources and limited avenues for a good life.
  • Maximizing personal gain at the expense of others’ losses.
  • Shifting ideologies and moral codes opportunistically.
  • Becoming the institution to be irreplaceable, even if it means systematically destroying it.

We are a country of million Burr

5. Stand for Something or Fall for Anything

I think this is pretty self-explanatory but it can be tricky because we do not always understand the implications of what we stand for, we can easily claim to stand for something noble but when we are truly tested only few maintain consistency and stay true to their core values.

6. Do Not Throw Away Your Shot

Hamilton’s anthem, “My Shot,” serves as a motivational refrain urging action. In our everyday lives, this translates into recognizing opportunities for positive impact. Your “shot” may not entail changing the world; it could be as simple as fulfilling the mundane tasks at hand with dedication and purpose.