Recipe For A Disaster

Gradution Project Done Right

Posted by Abdalraheem on October 15, 2021 · 5 mins read

At your final year in college your graduation project will probably be the most annoying and time consuming task you had to do throughout your entire academic life. And I’m here today to make it even worse, as I hate giving advices to people I’m going to tell you exactly how to make graduation project your way to a mental health facility. So let’s get started.

Choosing Your Group

This probably the most important step so please do the minimum amount of thinking before doing it and place your choice solely on one factor and that is how close are you with them. I also recommend not paying any attention to any rational selection criteria like how interested or skilled they are in the topic of your graduation project, or things like their work flow and how much they share your ideas and prioritize the graduation project. I also encourage you to choose someone with contradicted sleep and college schedule so that your chances of meeting with them are way less the less you meet the better.

Choosing Your Topic

Maybe this should have been before choosing your group to don’t worry you are in safe hands. Your college will provide you with full support and advices in exchange you’re expected to create a scientific breakthrough in your bachelor degree graduation project so please choose the most advanced and complicated topics that’s currently puzzling the word most elite scientists. My point is: choose a fancy name for your graduation project. Its name has to be prestigious otherwise how would other people know you’re better than them? And oh I forgot, please don’t do any initial search about your topic and things like the data you’ll need, limitations, and other boring stuff. These things will magically solve themselves as the semester progress so don’t worry I told you’re in safe hands.

Your supervisor ?

Who needs one of these? I’ll tell you: loosers. Wait till the research center of your faculty assign a random supervisor to your project or in case you want to choose from the already available projects you can also choose that randomly, but if you insists you can select a supervisor the same way you choose your group members as mentioned above.


As start working on the project always maintain the least amount of communication between you, your group members, supervisor and the research center. Ensure that problems are discovered as close to the deadlines as possible and then waste that remaining time on blaming each other on who’s fault was that.

For The Documentation

Use word or any regular text editor don’t ever waste your time trying to learn latex or anything that’s can make documentation easier. You don’t have to document it step by step, do it all at once and for once no iterative work to gradually enhance your work. Don’t cite your work I don’t even have to say more about this.

For The Presentation

The most essential thing in the presentation is to show that you haven’t learned anything useful throughout your work on this project. Pro tip: always agree with the examiners don’t hold your ground and try to defend your work and ideas Bounce if you can please show some conflicts or at least ask each other questions about the project during the presentation with your group members this will show the great team spirit that you have.

Congratulations not only you managed to ace your graduation project, you’ve also got the right mindset to start working on your dream career.

This is a short post I know, but I’m kind of busy and not in the mood for writing I’m actully thinking about taking another break until the 17th of November but I’ll probablly publish one or two more before that (as I said before I keep adding to my drafts without being able to finish them) after I finish my degree I’ll try to publish 2-3 post per week unless of course I run out of things to write about but until then I’ll TRY to keep things shorter and simpler.