What's The Title of This Post

I Have No Idea!

Posted by Abdalraheem on September 14, 2021 · 6 mins read

Posts are piling up in my draft folder and I can’t seem to able to finish any of them. It’s been almost two months since I started this blog and I’ve been writing about very different topics and I don’t even know which topics I should be focusing on, but I realized that there’s agreement that my previous post (which was a tidyverse tutorial) is the least favorite one so far and that’s kind of predicted, most of people aren’t really interested in the technical parts or at least they’re more interested in my ideas and opinions which is a good thing (I guess).

Why do we like reading relatable things? Ironically feeling like no one gets us or no one understands our feelings is actually one of the most relatable feelings of this generation. Maybe it’s because of the alienating nature of today’s society and social media that made us more self centered. We need other people thoughts to validate our own, we like to be given the right to hate or love certain things or people, humans are very biased creatures, and social media makes use of this all the time by subjecting us to specific algorithmic information diet that maximize your time wasted on them which leads to more revenue for them in return.

I don’t know how relatable my posts are this whole blog idea was something I had in my mind for while, but I wasn’t able to get started until one day I was talking to a friend of mine about things I wanted to do but I didn’t, and blogging was one of them and she told me I should just get started and I’ll have all of her support. I felt very motivated that day and I knew that I should make use of this motivation dose, and that’s basically how this blog came to be. This made me think: if it wasn’t for that day maybe I would’ve never started this blog. How many other things I could’ve done if I only channeled a temporary surge of motivation.

I also remember a similar situation one year ago when I signed up for the Huawei AI associate certificate I didn’t want to take the exam at first for some reasons I thought that wasn’t ready yet and I wasn’t a fifth year student ( the exams were offered as partnership between Huawei and the university for fifth year students or fresh graduates mainly) so I didn’t sign up at first, but then that exam got postponed and some students withdraw and the organizers were looking for people to take their seats and I was like why not ?I won’t let it pass twice, plus I have nothing to lose anyway. I passed the exam and now I’m a certificated Huawei A.I associate and eligible for the Huawei A.I Professional certificate. I’m not fan collecting certificate for the sake of it I believe they can be deceiving, certificate doesn’t prove your skills and knowledge. They are just useful for HR to decide if your CV is relevant or not. I don’t know if this certificate will be useful one day, but it meant a lot for me at that time because for once I saw an opportunity and didn’t shy away from it which is something I rarely do, but I always wished I could.

No matter how this blogging thing will go on I will always feel grateful to that friend (and everyone reading this now, I deeply appreciate every single one of you!) And proud of myself because this actually one the very a few things that I wanted to do and ended up doing it.

Since we’re talking about motivation A while ago I came across this quote “You won’t always be motivated so learn to be disciplined” I guess every one of us gets highly motivated from time to time maybe at the first of the new year, at your birthday, next week or when starting a new semester or job maybe you can even make some promises and plans, but all of this fades away too soon and you find yourself waiting for the next especial occasion to get started. consistency is a key we’ll eventually get good only at what we do regularly whether that’s a useful thing, harmful thing or total waste of time. Yes you can actually get good at wasting time and procrastination I’ve been there before (still there maybe, but I’m getting worse hopefully) and it’s actually quite hard to get rid of this habits, but sometimes I manage to get around my laziness it’s like surfing, most of the time I’m just waiting still doing nothing, but every now and then some waves (bursts of motivation) shows up and I have to decide quickly which one to ride before they disappear. This helps a little but it’s also very inefficient, motivation will only get you so far, you have to maintain a streak, whatever you’re planning to be good at you’ll have to do it daily (or at least very frequently and consistently) no matter what happens in your life.

So in the end what is the title of this post? is it about motivation, the importance of supportive friends in your life or is it about my laziness? I don’t know, I can’t come up with a title, maybe you can help me ?