Let The Journey Begin

Embarking on a new adventure .

Posted by Abdalraheem on July 15, 2021 · 2 mins read

As someone Who has enjoyed a lot of great content made by awesome people online I've always wanted to not only contirbute and give back, but also to create the type of content that I think is not available in the the way that it shoud be.

I have been thinking of starting a blog for a quite long time now but I just couldn't find the time and the ideas to get started. Now (unlike most of my other ideas) this may actully see the light

The Goal Of This Blog

I cann't say that my goals for this blog are clear yet, but mainly this blog will be like a place to throw my random thoughts in. Mainly in topics related to data science, machine learning, and other random topics in CS in general

This post is like the "Hello world" of blogging I'm very excited writing it right now even though it does not contian any valuable informations. Jeff Delaney (the creator of "fireship.io" one of my faviurate youtube channels and a huge inspration for me) once said:

The best time to create a youtube channel was ten years ago, the second best time is now!

That can be generlized on internet blogs as well. In a world filled with so many resource online this might seem redundent and useless, but I'm actully doing this for me in the first place i beleive that I will be the one who benfit the most from this even though I'm hoping that this random thoughts i post can be of any use for a random strangers on the internet

Final Words

This has only been a test of this whole blogging test I'm still thinking about what would be the first real topic im going to write about.

Demo Image To go places and do things that have never been done before – that’s what living is all about.

Also I just realized how horrable my writing skills are, but let's hope that this can improve along the way lol.

Photographs by Unsplash.